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Welcome to FoGS (Friends of George Spicer)

Together we enable brighter futures

About FoGS

The Friends of George Spicer School (FoGS) is the Parent Teacher Association for George Spicer Primary School.  We are a registered charity acting on behalf, and in the interest, of all children and parents at the school.


Any parent, carer, grandparent of pupils, or member of George Spicer Primary School staff is welcome to join FoGS and volunteer their time, ideas, expertise and enthusiasm towards helping raise money for our children and the school.

As well as raising funds, our key objective is promoting community spirit. We feel that it is important that our children learn from their families how important their local community is.


If you're interested in getting involved and making a positive impact on your child's education, joining FoGS is a fantastic way to do just that!  It will enable you have the opportunity to work alongside other parents and teachers to organise fun events and raise funds for important school programs and equipment. 


Contact us anytime on


News & Updates

Our Goal for 2024/25


Our goal for the academic year 2024/25 is to raise £15,000+ for new outdoor learning spaces, games and activities for Kimberley Gardens and Sketty Road sites.


The Winter Wonderland event in November 2024 raised a huge £5,266!


We've got loads of fundraising activities planned throughout the year, so make sure you keep an eye on our events page, newsletters and follow us on social media to make sure you don't miss out!


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